Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Wine Storage Solutions launches new range

Wine Storage Solutions Ltd has launched a new range of wine storage products. They have been designed to make a striking impact in restaurants, hotels or bars with luxury and functionality.

The Wine Library is a fine wine display which can be used to create a see through partition in a restaurant or hotel or be conventionally sited against a wall. It has single and double door options, opening at both front and rear. Double-door models allow separate temperatures to be set in each of the two compartments, allowing red wine and white wine/champagne to be kept at optimum temperatures within the same cabinet.

The WineWall is available in standard racking and solid oak racking, with a variety of shelving configuration options to exactly meet storage requirements. It is fitted with LED lighting.

The Cornice Cabinet is a multiĀ­-temperature cabinet with a temperature of 5C at the base, rising to 17C at the top, allowing all types of wine to be stored in the same cabinet.

The Tastvin T220B Vision is a dual temperature wine storage cabinet with two separate compartments to keep red wines and champagne/white wines in one cabinet.

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